5 Steps to Stay Aligned with Your Vision

Add these simple steps to your daily routine and get closer to your dreams

Many of us have experienced getting lost in our list of to-dos. We either get so engrossed in our work or get side-tracked by distractions. Sometimes, it leaves us feeling disoriented, off-track, and strayed from the path to our dreams.

What can we do to stay on the right path?

How do we ensure we stay on track with what we want for our future?

Here are five steps you can take today to help you stay aligned with the path you’re meant to take.

Step 1: Track your mood

Step 2: Embody your future self

Step 3: Attend to your younger self

Step 4: Connect with your present self

Step 5: End of day journaling


1. Track Your Mood

Identify what you want to feel when you’ve reached your goal.

Our goals and dreams exist for most of us because we desire to feel a certain way.

Your first step is to identify those feelings.

By recognizing that ultimately you just want to feel joy, peace, inspiration, pride, or love, you know what to look for in the process of performing your task.

Here is a way to cultivate inspiration.

If you’re a writer and you’re having a hard time completing your blog, video script, or social media post, take a slow deep breath and remind yourself of whom you’re writing for and how you intend to help them. Then, speak truthfully, and write honestly. 


2. Embody Your Future-Self

Take the feelings you’ve identified to the next level, and add behaviors to them. 

How does a joyful, peaceful, or inspired person act? How do you carry yourself if you are proud of your work and know you are loved?

One thing we know for sure. You become what you believe. Whatever task you’re on, embody what you believe someone you aspire to be would act.

It can be as simple as sitting a little taller or as dynamic as the words you use in a conversation with others.


3. Attend to Your Younger-Self

Acknowledge your fears and take that next step forward despite them.

You're not alone if you feel resistance or hesitation in your day. Fears of failure can keep us running around in circles until the day is over.

Most of our fears came from early childhood and were kept alive by our younger selves. As the years go by, our life experiences either keep this fear alive or prove it false.

Here is a way to calm and soothe your anxieties so you can move forward with courage despite your fears.

Attend to your younger self. Take 5 minutes in the morning and speak to yourself as if you were the age you first felt this fear. 


4. Connect with Your Present-Self

When you’re connected to the present moment, you improve clarity in your decisions.

The steps above guide you to be present. Tracking your mood, embodying your future self, and addressing your fears help you connect with your present self.

When you’re connected to the present moment, your inner compass is much more accurate in keeping you aligned with the path to your dreams.

Check in with how you’re feeling at this moment. Stay attuned to your body. Where do you feel tight or heavy? Where do you feel relaxed and light?

You can do this when taking a walk, showering, or cooking. 

You can even do this in front of your laptop. Just close your eyes and take a few slow deep breaths. Inhale, focusing on where you feel tight, and exhale to relax.


5. End of Day Journaling 

We can quickly forget about our wins and hold on to thoughts that hold us back.

Perhaps, you hold on to thoughts that keep you with what you’re familiar with. Unfortunately, if you have experience working in a fast-paced corporate world, what you’re familiar with might be stress and anxiety.

If you took the four previous steps to heart, you’ve done well! Celebrate it! At the end of your day, take a brief moment to jot down the little and big wins, and let go of things from the day that doesn’t serve you.

You begin your day by tracking your mood, and you end your day by tracking your progress. 

These five steps are an excellent way to self-motivate. It’s a healthy competition of sorts with yourself. This process will encourage you to keep going and help you stay aligned with the path you’re meant to take.


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