In 2020, with the world on the edge of a major shift,
I dove back into my first love: copy and design.

brand builder



creative strategist

brand builder • copywriter • storyteller • creative strategist •


How it started…
My path in copywriting began in the heart of friends' businesses—dabbling in everything from skincare startups to bridalwear and coffee shops. As I took on blogging, email campaigns, and website copy, my initial interest in these projects quickly flourished into a genuine passion for D2C brands.

How's it going…
This journey propelled me into collaborations with leading brands in the industry, providing me with firsthand insights into working at a fully remote agency. And let me tell you, it's been an incredible ride and I plan to keep the momentum going.


Copywriting services

Tell me a bit about yourself, your team, and the scope of work.