Weekend Reset: 7 Things You Should Do for a Successful Week

How would you describe your ideal weekend? Is it relaxing or productive? If you answered both, then you might want to consider a weekend reset.

A weekend reset routine is a set of actions for us to lean on and set us up for a successful week ahead.

But what does this look like?

I'd like to think Saturdays are to replenish, recharge, and reinvigorate. It's a time for play and connecting with others! As for Sundays, time to slow things down, breathe some space into the day, and lay the foundation for the upcoming week.

So, whether you feel overworked, stagnant, or starting something new, here are seven things to do this weekend to prime you for a fantastic week ahead.

1. Spend Time Outside

2. Nourish Your Boday

3. Clean Your Living Space

4. Declutter Your Digital Life

5. Build a New Morning Ritual

6. Master Your Wind Down Routine

7. Pamper Yourself


1. Spend Time Outside

Most of us have spent most of our time indoors during the entire week. Take advantage of the benefits of being outdoors and get outside this weekend!

It doesn't have to be an epic hike. Although being surrounded by lush nature can be very beneficial.

It can be as simple as hopping on your bicycle and being a tourist in your own city for a few hours.

Being outside, close to nature, can relieve stress and reduce anxiety. It can strengthen your immune system, sharpen your focus, improve vision, and much more.

So whether it's trying new restaurants while spending quality time with friends, walking your fur buddy, reading a book at a park, or any other physical activity - just get out there!


2. Nourish Your Body

When was the last time you checked out a farmer's market? If it's available to you this weekend, grab your ultimate plant-based shopping list, and pick up some fresh goodies.

If it's the middle of winter for you, I find wandering through a natural and organic grocery store just as satisfying.

But nourishing your body isn't just about food. It isn’t just about the body. A healthy diet maintains or improves overall health.

Nourishing your body is also about keeping the body active.

While going to the gym does the job, I think weekends are for activities that you wouldn't do on a regular weekday.

For example, combine connecting with friends with spending time outdoors and playing a game of volleyball. Or, before you head out on your bicycle, reach out to see if anyone else wants to join.


3. Clean Your Living Space

Throughout the week, your home is bound to get a little dirty.

Even if you maintained a certain level of cleanliness throughout the week, there are bound to be some things you probably haven't gotten to, like your bedding.

The power of a clean and tidy home can positively impact your sleep and boost your productivity.

Believe it or not, cleaning is an activity that will put you in a better mood once you get going.

Don't forget to take a couple of minutes to get organized. Physical clutter reflects a cluttered mind. So after cleaning, sift through each room and declutter.

Do you see anything that you haven't used for years that's just piled on top of something else? Maybe it's finally time to put it away or even give it away to someone that can use it more than you.

If all of this sounds like too much effort for your kind of weekend reset, try just tidying up your workspace so you can easily get after it on a Monday morning. Add some fresh flowers to your desk while you're at it.


4. Declutter your digital life.

I love this part of my weekend because decluttering your digital space always feels tremendously refreshing.

A couple of things I look forward to is changing my tech background or getting to inbox zero.

Freshening up our tech (phone, computer, tablets) with new wallpaper backgrounds is a quick and easy reset. Adding a personal touch to your physical space makes it feel more inviting and homey. Your digital space is no different.

Ask yourself: how do I want to feel this week?

Choose an image, graphic, or quote that exudes that add it to your devices and use it as a reminder throughout the week.

Emails that I want to look at but just don't make it on my list of priorities during the week, I highlight them and get to them on the weekend. Deleting emails feels good. Getting to inbox zero feels great. Sets you up for a fresh start on Monday.

Before you wrap up your digital decluttering, don't forget to delete apps you no longer use or bookmarks you no longer read.


5. Build a new morning ritual

The weekend is the perfect time for you to edit your morning ritual to suit your needs this coming week.

Perhaps you have deadlines to meet this week, then cultivating a sense of calm in the mornings would be very helpful.

Try incorporating lavender into your morning ritual. It is renowned for its ability to create a relaxing atmosphere. Look for lavender tea, incense, or essential oil to start your mornings.

Meditate on what you want to feel this week, and edit a morning ritual that serves you.


6. Master your wind-down routine

If you find yourself having a hard time getting quality sleep during the week because your mind is still active, rushing from commitment to commitment, this weekend is the perfect time to dial in your wind-down ritual.

We all know sleep is a big factor in how we feel the next day. But many of us don't prioritize it enough.

A wind-down ritual should always include putting your devices away at least an hour before bed. You can turn inward with some guided meditation or journaling. Getting your thoughts out of your head and onto the page can be effective in clearing your mind.

Or, simply do nothing for a little while. Stillness is good for you. Don't feel guilty about embracing your lazy side at the end of the day. You're taking sleep seriously, one of the most important parts of our well-being. I call that being productive.


7. Pamper yourself

Embrace your definition of self-care with a pampering session. While getting a face mask may not be in the cards at this moment, there are plenty of other ways to plan some “me” time.

Go get a deep tissue massage to release tension, or just light a candle, get into a bath and relax with a good book.

Enjoy a scrumptious brunch at your favorite café, or pick up some top-notch ingredients and take the time to cook a luxurious meal.

you'll look forward to all week. It will make your hard work that much more worth it.



Incorporate these seven things into your weekend to relax, recharge, and reset.

Own your weekend - own the week!

Speaking of owning the week, do you have healthy habits you've been meaning to adapt? I do!

However, for most of us, including myself, healthy habits are much easier to pick up when you do it with others.

Every week I start a new 7-Day Wellness Challenge. This challenge is all about consistency. It includes seven days of physical exercise, meditation, and journaling. 

I created a tracking and journal booklet free for you to download and use during the challenge.

I look forward to hearing about how your weekend goes! Send me an email or leave a comment below on what you think about these seven tips. Or any other favorite things you like to do on your weekends. 


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